Monday, July 14, 2008

SPOILER: pics from latest photoshoot

Ok, so I couldn't help myself... I was uploading all the pics from my camera onto the computer so that I could begin the long and arduous editing process, and I couldn't resist the urge to give you guys a little sneak-peek into how much freakin fun Jack (played by DiMichele), Edgar (Fanelli) and Gabrielle (Smaltz) had at the beach! These pictures are unedited, so forgive me for that, but they're still pretty fun to look at!

Here is our golden boy, Jack, getting wet and wild:

Our resident bad-bitch-queen-G takes a dip as well, demure as always:

Gabby and Edgar spice it up on the beach, making their mark as the newest, hottest couple.

Great, huh?


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