Okay, so I've received a lot of messages and posts about the return of Prep School Blues. I know all our loyal fans would love more episodes continuing the story of Jack and Larsen. I want to state for those of you that do not know, the Prep School Blues web series will NOT be returning at any time in the near future.
We all dearly love the show and hope to one day pick it up again, but currently there are no plans for more productions. Most of the cast and crew is tied up working on other projects at this time. If a financially beneficial situation came up where I could afford to salary everyone and bring the show back with a high production standard I would jump on it, but unfortunately that is not happening right now. I have written a full length pilot script for a television revival, so with all luck maybe we can move PSB to the next level someday.
I do, however, want to thank all the wonderful people who made the Prep School Blues web series possible by giving their time, energy and commitment for two years without pay, as well as the amazing viewers who wrote in to express their love and support of the show.
For those of you who want to keep supporting the show, I want to let you know that there is going to be a variety of PSB media coming out over the next year:
ONLINE: I am planning on recording director's commentary tracks for all nine episodes of the show and releasing them online. I feel that, along with the comprehensive behind the scenes videos, these commentary tracks will provide an in depth look into the series to rival any big special edition DVD. And all for free too!
DVD: Speaking of DVDs, "Prep School Blues: The Complete Series" is still available for order, now for $15 plus shipping cost (25% discounted from the original $20 price). Email prepschoolblues@gmail.com to place an order. And trust me, the show looks really good on a big flat screen TV.
PRINT: The stories for the new Prep School Blues comic have been written. Although the first artist fell through, I have plans to relaunch the comic over the summer with a new artist. I also have an outline for a Prep School Blues tie-in novel, which I hope to self publish, providing demand is high enough. This is the project I am most excited about because I have many Jack and Larsen stories I would love to share with the audience.
Thanks so much again to everyone who has supported the show these last three years. Feel free to contact me at prepschoolblues@gmail.com for more information on how YOU can help the PSB franchise make a come back!
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