Thursday, April 30, 2009

Emmy makes a movie

So, our little Emmy has made a MOVIE! Produced for her intermediate core production class at NYU Tisch School of the Arts, the film doesn't have a title yet, but it is shot and in post-production.  Look for the film at next year's Maurice Kanbar Institute of Film and Television Intermediate Film Festival.  

The story deals with the bond between a little girl and a teenage boy, with glimpses into the fantasy world of vampirism. Many people worked on this project, including some familiar faces and PSB alumni such as Nicholas DiMichele (Jack), Kevin Hooper (DP) and Alex McBean (Art Director/Photographer).

For more information, check out the official facebook group of the Untitled Emmy Yu Project.  

Here's some behind-the-scenes pics from the production.

Director Emmy Yu with some of her cast and crew.

Nick with co-star Olivia Katzenstein.

Emmy and her stars.

Nick gets vamped by the undead Alex Goode.

Emmy with her vampires.

Shooting a scene.

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