Prep School Blues, an original series created by Chris Conner, explores the lives of several teenagers as they struggle through adolescence in a repressive small town. This blog features updates about the Prep School Blues web series and novels, as well as other upcoming projects by Chris Conner.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Gabrielle & Edgar Do 'The Movie Review Show' on
hey all,
several months ago andrew and i appeared on a program called 'the movie review show' to promote the series. a friend and associate, alvin liong, produces the program for his website, which showcases and reviews student work.
initially we were collectively perplexed about the manner in which the interview would best be conducted, but after some deliberation it was decided that we would remain in character for the interview and talk about the show that way. after several swigs of jameson irish whiskey, we were basically able to carry it off. not exactly the most informative interview ever, but quite possibly one of the more entertaining. you be the judge:
gabrielle & edgar on "the movie review show" on
in other news, chris and i managed to lock the final drafts for the next set of episodes a little while back. we decided to work together on these episodes, with me plotting the story and chris writing the dialogue and actual script itself.
i have set to work on learning my lines and getting myself in order for shooting, and we've had rehearsal, which went fairly well.
i also took a trip with chris and kevin to location scout in westchester, ny for the new high school we will be shooting at, and i am pleased to report that we have several attractive options.
i am also still recooperating from the process of the photo shoot we did at rockaway beach yesterday. i am incredibly pale- its a harsh fact of life. and it was, of course, a beautiful, SUNNY day. after many intense applications and re-applications of SPF 50 we managed to keep me from burning terribly, although i was completely drained from the heat and horrified at the amount of sand that followed us home.
here is a totally cheesy shot of me at the beach, taken on a cell phone:
hysterical, no? i was probably the palest and crankiest girl at the beach. oy. regardless, i cant wait to see the finished products when alex (loveyoubitch!) gets through with them.
off to engage in more shennanigans, take care, till next time...
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1 comment:
and i totz love that u guyz are completez cracked-out during interview.
i mean, how fascinating could the mic have really been, fanellz?
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