I am thrilled to present the next installment of the spotlight interviews, an intimate chat with the amazing Andrew Fanelli who played Edgar in Prep School Blues. Although the character met a grisly off screen death in between seasons 2 and 3, Fanelli is well and thriving in New York City along with his band SHAPES. You can currently find their new EP "I feel, therefore I drink" online on MySpace and at the iTunes store.
Q: What got you into acting?
Fanelli: i genuinely don't know what got me into acting. i suppose just wanting to be the center of attention... or maybe it's cause it's easier for me to be honest when somebody else is writing my words. my mother inspires me. and so does my cat. i used to run. there's something inspiring about that yeah? never stop moving forward.
Fanelli: oh man. i was working at a vegan place called sacred chow. i hadn't seen chris conner in almost a year. and he just glided in and started talking about this project. it sounded like a lot of fun and over time we took a character, Edgar (my character), and really brought him from somebody who was just there doing whatever it is that he did, to being a very important person who i believe genuinely changed the other characters lives. i think anybody who came in contact with edgar was changed by him and had their lives turned upside down. i know i did.
Fanelli: thousands, but none i can speak about in public :D
Fanelli: i just tried to find myself in him and him in me. easier said than done haha. actually w/ edgar chris had written a very vibrant exciting young man who was just so real it was hard not to connect with him. perhaps he was a little too close to me... in the sense that playing him really did confuse me. sometimes i didn't feel as though i was acting... not to say i'm some amazing actor. i could be awful. but... edgar and i are very similar. there wasn't much character work that needed to be done. just work on myself... and i'm still working. ha.
Q: What are you working on now?
Fanelli: oh man. been signed exclusively for voice over work. i average about 1-3 auditions a week... which is amazing. freelancing w/ a bunch of on screen agents. working very passionately with my band. we just released our first EP and oddly enough have some attention, and the possibility of future mentions in italian vogue (don't ask. i don't know either. great management.), nylon, and interview to name a few. and there's one really exciting documentary project so to speak that i really actually am not at liberty to talk about. not by my own doing, but ya know... i actually can't speak of it. haha. so seeing how that turns out and if it does turn out you'll all know haha. so fingers crossed. xoxo right? that's how we do things? ;)
Thanks so much to the divine Andrew Fanelli! Check out Fanelli in Prep School Blues at youtube.com/PrepSchoolBlues