Prep School Blues, an original series created by Chris Conner, explores the lives of several teenagers as they struggle through adolescence in a repressive small town. This blog features updates about the Prep School Blues web series and novels, as well as other upcoming projects by Chris Conner.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
End of Summer Wrap Up
Hey everybody, your old friend C. here. This has been a very exciting summer shooting the second season of Prep School Blues, and the new developments are not over yet!
In addition to launching Episodes 4-6 online this fall, I am also planning on expanding Prep School Blues with a tie-in music video. Currently working with Nicholas DiMichele (Jack) to design a soundtrack and theme for the video. In case anyone doesn't know, Nick is a great musician, a talent we have not yet been able to showcase on Prep School Blues, but hopefully will be able to soon.
In development is my plan to additionally expand Prep School Blues into an online comic strip tentatively titled "Pre-School Blues", a prequel to the series that explores the early friendships of Larsen, Fareed and Gabrielle as young children. Currently in talks with a comic artist to get this off the ground in the next coming months.
Also, Alex's gorgeous new promo photos from the beach shoot will be available online very soon. I will put these up on the blog, facebook and myspace as soon as I receive them. Speaking of which, make sure to friend the Prep School Blues MySpace profile if you are a MySpace user.
Stay tuned for Season Two online in the fall!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Goodbye to Here!
C. update. Today was my last day interning at my oh-so-beloved here! networks, the gayest channel on cable. It's been a pretty excellent summer.
I got to meet some of my tv crushes: Canadian sweetheart Charlie David of Dante's Cove and sexy David Moretti of spin-off The Lair. I also got two t-shirts, three posters, and basically every gay movie or magazine ever. Sort of like Christmas but better. Totally gonna miss my super co-workers Jeannie Versaggi, Chris Van Kleef and Luis Lopez. Everybody was really nice and it was a great experience working in the professional television world. Check out my other blog about one of the fun shows on here! tv at The Lair Fan.
To check out some hot cable programming, visit the here! tv official website.
In other news, my 21st birthday fast approaches. If any blog readers are interested, head over to Splash Bar in NYC on Thursday, August 14th 2008. I'll be the drunk husky Filipino guy dancing in really embarassing fashion.
There's also a rough assembly of the show put together and I'm trying to get season 2 up and running online sometime in September. Really good footage (thanks Kevin!). I'm really excited for everyone to see the new stuff. And hopefully the rest of the photo shoot pics will be up sometime next week.
Till next time,
- (the ever fabulous) C.
I got to meet some of my tv crushes: Canadian sweetheart Charlie David of Dante's Cove and sexy David Moretti of spin-off The Lair. I also got two t-shirts, three posters, and basically every gay movie or magazine ever. Sort of like Christmas but better. Totally gonna miss my super co-workers Jeannie Versaggi, Chris Van Kleef and Luis Lopez. Everybody was really nice and it was a great experience working in the professional television world. Check out my other blog about one of the fun shows on here! tv at The Lair Fan.
To check out some hot cable programming, visit the here! tv official website.
In other news, my 21st birthday fast approaches. If any blog readers are interested, head over to Splash Bar in NYC on Thursday, August 14th 2008. I'll be the drunk husky Filipino guy dancing in really embarassing fashion.
There's also a rough assembly of the show put together and I'm trying to get season 2 up and running online sometime in September. Really good footage (thanks Kevin!). I'm really excited for everyone to see the new stuff. And hopefully the rest of the photo shoot pics will be up sometime next week.
Till next time,
- (the ever fabulous) C.
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